APEC Innovations of Women-Owned SMIs 5 Day Course 2021

Indonesia has been implementing South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) initiatives for more than thirty years in its commitment to contribute to the global development cooperation. Indonesia started its involvement in global cooperation architecture in the 1950s when Indonesia-together with India, Myanmar, Pakistan and Sri Lanka- initiated the first Asian African Conference (AAC) in Bandung, Indonesia. The conference gathered numbers of Asian and African countries in solidarity to strengthen the cooperation among themselves. Since the 1980s, Indonesia has been involved actively in cooperation with South Countries through South-South and Triangular Cooperation.

The APEC Innovations of Women-Owned SMI 5 day course is to provide participants from the Colombo Plan member economies opportunity to update the relevant approach and measures taken in enhancing the development and resilience of Small and Medium Industry (SMI), particularly of SMI in Indonesia, especially women entrepreneurs, from the policy, services, and cooperation to the SMI experiences, in order to survive the economic impact of pandemic Covid-19 and empower the community. This also shows Indonesia effort in order to achieve the 5th Sustainable Development Goals, the Gender Equality.

Women’s Business Council President , Mylene Abiva represented the Philippines during the 5 day course held September 13-17, 2021.

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